Am I Using IPTables or NetFilter
Lastmod: 2023-01-26


This how-to tells you whether IPTables is in use on your system.

It assumes you are on Linux. If you are not sure about that, see here

Initial Steps Overview

  1. Run lsmod

  2. Run iptables-save

Detailed Steps

1) Run lsmod

If this command generates any output, then IPTables is in effect on the system:

lsmod | grep -wi iptables

If this command generates any output, then NetFilter is in effect on the system:

lsmod | grep -i netfilter

2) Run iptables-save

To extract the existing rules in effect, run:


redirecting to a file if you want to keep the rules for later reference.

Further Information

Note that the iptables command is back-compatible with NetFilter, which has replaced IPTables in most Linux kernels.

Thus, while technically NetFilter is being used rather than IPTables, you can still work as though IPTables is installed.


Ian Miell

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