Name is not defined when calling module
Lastmod: 2023-01-26


Example error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
NameError: name 'Foo' is not defined

This issue happens when you try to invoke a class within a module without specifying the module.

Initial Steps Overview

  1. Change the import to load the class directly

  2. Change the import to load the class directly

Detailed Steps

1) Change the call to reference the module

class Foo():
  def bar():

import foo # NameError: name 'Foo' is not defined

Above we see that doesn’t work, which is because we only have access to the module foo and not the class within it. To access this class we could instead do In this case, foo is the module name and Foo is the class name.

You would have a similar problem if the casing of the class was the same as the module you would just receive a different error.

2) Change the import to load the class directly

Given the example shown in step #1, the import within main can be changed to make the call work. We simply need to use the following format from <modulename> import <classname>. So in our example, this would be:

from foo import Foo # This now works

Check Resolution

Your call now works as expected.

Further Information



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